A day at Oxford Literary Festival!

Last Saturday my sister and I drove to Oxford for two events in Literary Festival. And we had a lovely time.

I had the chance to see & listen Frances Hardinge and Anthony Horowitz and both writers were awesome. I feel really lucky to get my books signed!

First we listened to Horowitz. It was about his Alex Ryder series, so not really talked about his adult books (the adult event was later in afternoon, but we had to drove back to Cambridge on time) but it was a superb fun talk.  I loved his communication with his young readers, I will definitely buy these books for my little one when he gets older. Horowitz looked like such a dynamic person, full of energy and ideas.  It was a great time!

He was extremely kind to stand up and pose with me, whilst I got my Word is Murder copies signed. Hip Hooray!

Than the second event was the fabulous Frances Hardinge, talking about A Skinful of Shadows. This was a very interesting talk and I was amazed the amount of research Hardinge performed to wrote this books! Just said wow and loved every moment of her talk.

not really focusing, but you can see Hardinge and her cool hat!

And I adored her love of animals. I loved both Lie Tree and Skinful of Shadows and I think Hardinge is amazing writer, especially with her feminist tone  and independent female heroes who don’t need the romance – men to rescue them is really, really what we need in teenage fiction.

At the book signing she was kind to let me have a photo for her for this blog. She even drew a goose in the book!

The rest of the day we spent time strolling around Oxford – although it was incredibly cold- We had cosy time in bookshops.

I LOVED this Mermaid and Mrs Hancock display at Waterstones


And Heffers (the one in the shopping centre) had a huge and fab display of 7 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle
Isn’t that looking FABULOUS!

And inside there were more #MermaidandMrs copies!


I am glad I read and loved this two books.

Looking forward to go back to Oxford soon. I live in Cambridge but I love Oxford!


What do you think?